Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Can I truly sign my name as Bethy Rose Wheeler, Author, since I'm writing and sharing my stories? MM says if you write, you are a writer. Miguel says if you share your stories, you are a writer. Jewel and Harold both agree that if people enjoy your stories, you are a writer. Isn't that neat!

I call my story, "Grape Saves the Day." It's like a fantasy story with a lesson about friends. I'll let you read it here but I can't hear your applause if you clap. If you don't like it, well...as Aunt Lutie would say, "Go stuff an egg! Get a life!"

Grape Saves the Day

In the early days of knights and castles, there were also dragons. Some of these dragons were ugly and spit out fire to kill everything in sight, including people. Others were tamed to help the workers in the field, or to go on patrol with the knights. But there was one dragon who was so different no one knew what to do with him.

Most dragons we've seen pictures of are green, or gray if real ugly. They're huge and their fire-breath leaps out with a roaring sound and spreads over a wide area. They are so scary everyone has bad dreams just thinking of them. This new dragon was small, the breath from his mouth was a wimpy flame with hardly any sound at all. He wasn't scary at all. And to make him feel ever worse about himself, he was PURPLE!


So he just stopped doing the dragon things. Most all the adults still shunned him when he showed up. A few kids gave a nod to his "Hi!" But it was Kathy June who befriended Grape by walking right up to him one day when he spoke.

She looked way, way up to gaze into the big black eyes. "Hello to you. My name's Kathy June. What's yours?"

The dragon shuffled his huge feet, looked down, and mumbled something.

"I can't hear you. Bend down and tell me again."

The dragon spread his front feet and leaned toward Kathy June. "Grape. My name's Grape."

"Did you say Grape?" When he nodded, Kathy June clapped her hands together. "Perfect. Your color goes with your name. I don't know what a Kathy June is supposed to look like. Do you?"

The dragon was really surprised. "You like my name?"

"I love the color purple." She flung her arms wide. "Yes, I so love your name. Come on, let's go."

"Where are we going?"

"You've got to meet my friends."

"But no one likes me, " Grape protests.

"They don't know you." She led the way with her tiny hand on his ankle. "I'll bet you can play a mean game of kick-the-ball. And if a kite gets caught in a tree you can get it down for us. The kids around here will think you are so cool!"

"I don't know how to...play." He waited for Kathy to turn away.

She just laughed.

"It will be fun to teach you. And maybe you can teach us some new things, too, right?"

Grape couldn't think of much he could teach them but he was so happy, he'd find something to share with his new friend--and all the friends he was going to make. Cool!