Sunday, September 23, 2012

Bess and Garrett's Snuff

Good afternoon to all you lovin' folks. I hope your day is goin' as good as mine. I've been up since first light, saw  Old Man Sun come up over those piney woods, watched the rabbits come into their tray of lettuce leaves from my garden, and listened to the call of the wild birds near the swamp. And the day just kept gettin' better from then on.

Mary Margaret came out for a visit and lunch. She's grown up to be a lovely woman and, one day when she gives up the fight, she'll accept Miguel's proposal, settled down, have those babies, and fulfill all of her aunt's dreams. She didn't know that Lutie Mae was sittin' right there at the table with us, just beamin' at her niece, the love shinin' from her eyes, her pride so thick in the air, I's surprised MM didn't feel it. Of course, Lutie Mae only lets MM know she's around when it suits her purpose--and usually that's not to MM's pleasure at all.

She brought me a supply of my favorite things, one of them a "goodie" she claims will put me in an early grave. I laugh and asked her just how old she thinks I am; I already have one foot in the grave according to those science people. That Garrett's Snuff is my last bad habit left. I gave up bourbon a long time ago, I no longer chase men with my dancin' shoes flyin', and I think I'm allowed one tiny sin.

Well, some might same them movie magazines she includes in the sack of stuff is harmful to my senses. I get a big kick out of the wild stories of those movie people's lives, love to see the glittery clothes the women wear, and check out the muscles of the men. I enjoy the stories of the old actors--they were much better than this new bunch, you know. Give me Gregory Peck anytime. MM says this is all just trash but her aunt, my deceased best friend, and I loved to go to the movies and read these magazines. Lutie Mae took me to the movies once a week for many years. She sat in the balcony with me because in those days, folks still frowned upon we coloreds mingling with them. It didn't bother her; she giggled, clapped, cried, and laughed right along with me, the same as those people below us.

MM brought me a large tin of chocolate chip cookies, too. I used to love Lutie Mae's oatmeal cookies but when MM brought me the first batch of these, my loyalty quickly changed. They will make a right nice dessert along with my chicory coffee later tonight. I've got to let the gumbo we had for lunch settle.

Gumbo? What kind? Well, you could make it with chicken or shrimp--sometimes I use a combination of both. It's MM's favorite. She fixes it for her catering dinners, but she says it never tastes as good as mine. Share the recipe? Why, Chil', I'm happy to do just that.

Chicken or Crab Gumbo

2 c. butter                                          1 c. stewed tomatoes
1/4 c. sliced onion                             1 tsp. chpd. parsley
2 Tbsp. diced green Bell pepper       2 c. chicken stock
1/4 c. diced celery                             1 c. fresh or frozen okra
2 c. cooked chicken or crab              Salt and pepper to taste

In a large soup pot, melt the butter. Add the onion, green peppers, and celery, and saute for 10 minutes or until the vegetables are lightly browned.

Add the okra, tomatoes, parsley, chicken stock, and chicken/crab to the soup pot. Cover and let simmer for 20 minutes, stirring constantly to blend thoroughly. Season with salt and pepper.
I puts a small portion of cooked rice in the bottom of the bowls and ladle the soup over that. Served with a green salad and hot bread (French or yeast rolls), you have the best meal ever.

Sunday, September 9, 2012


The proprietor of the Blue Moon has finally come up for air. It's been a busy summer. When I added catering to the offerings at the cafe, I hoped it would grow into a nice sideline business. That little adventure has about run me ragged this summer.

Laurel Cameron, the Skaggs granddaughter from over Lovelady way, drove over to look at pictures of wedding cakes, reception hall decorations, and food I'd done for others. She was a joy to work with and a beautiful bride. She had friends who were getting married, giving baby showers, or doing some other party giving, so I was swamped with jobs. All these were added to a garden party for Livy Vandergriff, a birthday party for Jewel's grandson, and a pizza/dessert party for the football team at the end of summer's practice. Man, those teenagers can eat.

The one gig I didn't get was to host a wedding reception for Jewel and Harold. I guess I didn't set a very good example when Miguel moved into the house with Bethy Rose and I, because she moved in with Harold soon after.

That carriage house at the Judge's where Harold lived, was not very big so it was expanded with a second story holding two bedrooms, a new bath, and lots of storage cabinets and closets. Downstairs the kitchen was expanded by knocking out a wall to the one bedroom down there. That added some room at one end of the living room for a nice dining area. And when Jewel added her quilts and other decorative talents, that place became the cutest love nest around. Still, it didn't seem to spur those two toward the aisle.

Miguel drives off early each morning for the first patrol of the day before opening the Sheriff's Office. That is if Maude Crowley doesn't beat him to it. The Department dispatcher, I swear, knows everything that happens in Harts Corner before the dust settles.

Bethy Rose has made it through the first week of school without running away from home, turning my hair gray, or her love life (at age nine?) ruining her entire life. I think I overheard her telling a friend that Jason spoke to her yesterday. Praise the Lord! This household may survive in spite of itself.

Anyway, things are running pretty smoothly in town. And, to tell you the truth, that makes me more than a little nervous. I'm waiting for the next shoe to drop.