Sunday, February 10, 2013

If Wishes Were Horses, etc.

You haven't heard from me before but I have been keepin' up with this blog via the library computers. It's hard to think that it will be a long time before I'm able to walk the streets of Harts Corner again but I'm behavin' myself so I can do just that. My name's Tillie Treadwell. I used to have a little band that played at honky-tonks in East Texas and once even played for an admirer in a little town in England--those pubs are downright receptive to that old timey country music. The band is disbanded now and my home sits vacant waitin' for my return. But that's my own darned fault, which I am not goin' to get in here.

What I really wanted to talk about is Valentine's Day. Nah, I'm not going to give you the history of that guy who was executed and they named a holiday to be celebrated on the day he died. Nor that weird story of Cupid and his mother Venus and his girlfriend Psyche (what kind of romantic name is that, for gosh sakes?) I'm talkin' about all the hoopla MM does to make this day of love special for everyone.

I guess it started when Bethy Rose needed cookies for Valentine's Day and MM found that the poor child was pretty short on the receiving end of cards the year before. She managed to get folks to give Bethy Rose so many Valentine's the child could hardly tote them home. And, along with residents of our fair town and Bethy Rose doing the spy work, no child in any grade of school ever missed having a super Valentine's Day from then on. Everyone got into this love-day feeling and visited the shut-ins and anyone who needed a visit, with cards and those decorated sugar cookies Bethy Rose claimed to be her very own speciality.

Last year MM put on this neat party for everyone with great food and a special red punch. I don't know how that gal paid for all the stuff, much less found the time to make all the good things to eat, but she was right pleased with the turnout. I heard the people in town were so grateful to have somewhere to go other than the Grange or church, they dropped donations into one of the cake covers. She probably got enough to cover her expenses and then some.

Now, don't get me wrong, I have nothing against MM--other than the fact she is too nosey for her own good, ratted out some of her friends when the troubles started, and captured the most handsome, best men in the county for her very own. I'd like to see her fall off that high horse she seems to be sittin' high on but...well, I'm not supposed to have such thoughts, certainly wouldn't let the authorities here know I have moments when I feel that way, and can only hope they don't read this blog.

But, grudgingly I will admit, I must say I'd give anything for a slice of her strawberry pie. I can close my eyes and smell it, and my mouth waters when I think of the ingredients. Sure I have them memorized--it's really not a hard pie to make. Will I share the recipe? Can you hear me laugh? I'll gladly do it and just to rile MM up a bit, I'll call it:

 "Tillie's Remembrance Strawberry Pie"

1 cup sugar
3 tbsp. cornstarch
1 cup water
3 tbsp. strawberry gelatin
1 to 2 pt. containers strawberries, stemmed
1 baked 8-inch pie crust
Whipping Cream whipped stiff (or Cool Whip)

Mix sugar and cornstarch in saucepan; stir in water. Cook until thickened, stirring constantly. Remove from heat; stir in gelatin. Pour into pie shell; refrigerate until set. Spread whipped cream or Cool Whip over top when ready to serve.

You'll have an extra slice for me, okay?

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