Monday, April 8, 2013


I can’t believe we actually had a vacation. More remarkably, after the first two days of angst or withdrawals from the worries about whether or not Jewel and Harold could run the café without me, I enjoyed myself one hundred percent. Miguel reminded me that I was only a phone call away and if it was an emergency, there was no reason to call me as I couldn’t do a darned thing to help them. At first, that made me panic and then I remembered how skilled at handling crisis my two wonderful employees were, and I relaxed.

Bethy Rose, who has become a more outgoing personality in the last year, bloomed out even more during these two weeks. Before we knew it, she had a name for half the people on vacation and most all the owners and employees of little businesses, not to count the hotel where we stayed, and they treated her like she was the shiniest penny in their pocket—which she was.

Calling the office seemed to be off limits to Miguel as well. Of course, he probably did but made sure we gals weren’t aware of it. He’s always pretty calm about things (except when I get involved in HIS business, as he calls weird or illegal events in Harts Corner) but I saw a difference these two weeks—he was really relaxed and funny and even more attentive to me than when at home. The routine of daily life was put aside and we learned to enjoy just being together.

Bethy Rose, as I said, knew everyone and she wanted to involve me in a mystery of a local disappearance. Those of you who have read of my adventures understand that most of what I stick my nose into turns out to be misadventure. I was stretched out on a lounge chair near the pool reading a book (how long had it been since I had found time to do that?) when my darling foster child hurdled herself onto the end of the chair.

“MM, you’ve got to come and listen to Mz Candy’s story.”

“Who’s Mz Candy?”

“I told you about her, don’t you remember? She cleans our room.”

Her name sounded more like she should be in a show along the boardwalk. “Oh. And what kind of story will she tell me?”

“Her daughter disappeared about two months ago. The police here say she’s just a runaway but Mz Candy swears her daughter never missed school, always came in before her curfew, and would never run away. Can you talk to her?”

“Honey, I don’t see how I can help. I don’t know anyone here like at home and it would be very difficult to find out anything. This is a police matter.”

“That doesn’t stop you from helping Miguel out at home.” Ouch.

Miguel would have a fit—more than a temper tantrum, for sure. More than that—he’d probably cancel the rest of our vacation. I hated to disappoint this child who cared for everyone’s problems more than a little person should but I have managed to stay in Miguel’s good graces involving his line of work for about a year now. He preferred it that way and I love him enough to keep him happy. But it sure was hard to let Bethy Rose down.

“Take your story to Miguel. See if he can’t help, honey. I don’t want to do anything that he can do better. Okay?”

For a moment I noted the disgusted look on her face, like I had somehow managed to abandon the helpless. Then she jumped up, gave me a big grin, and turned to search for Miguel. But not before spearing me with her haughty tone.

“I’ll see if he’s got more guts than you, MM.” 
Drats and double drats!

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