Friday, January 24, 2014


You all have been wonderin' I am sure what has happened to this blog. Well, I am here to tell you that things have gone amiss both with Miz Barbara and Harts Corner, Texas. Not real bad but too busy. In October, Bethy Rose's little writin' group was going like a house on fire--yes, I know that is one of those horrible cliches that instructors and English teachers are always harpin' on us not to use. But it suits the scene in that school auditorium, for sure. Then November came along and everyone was busy with Thanksgiving, either havin' a ton of family showin' up or drivin' miles away to enjoy someone else's turkey dinner. Anyway, things slowed down a bit. In December it came to a halt. Everyone, includin' Miz Barbara, was just too darned busy to write much less show up to read anything. And she's still strugglin' with shoulder pain and weak hands and all those nasty things that go along with falls you wouldn't have had if your feet had been goin' in the right direction.

So Bethy Rose said they'd meet again in January. Here it is January, almost the end of the month, and no one has agreed to a date. So she's gonna put out the word that January 31, a Friday night, is the time to get the show rollin' again. She says she'll be there if she has to read to empty chairs. I think I know for sure that several chairs will be filled no matter what.

I know Bethy Rose will be there hopin' that Charlie shows up, too. Oh, I forgot that I haven't told you about Charlie yet. Well, it all started with her Open Reading thing. She just loves writin' and "performin'" her work. And she's still encouragin' other kids to write their stories, too. That's sort of how she met Charlie Wade.

Bethy Rose says she'd only seen him once in the hallway at school before he showed up at one of the Readings. She noticed he was still wearin' a big backpack which appeared full when he went up the steps to the stage. When he read his story--from the memoir of his homeless life--Bethy Rose she was blown away, didn't know whether to cheer or cry. But it bothered her that the adults in the audience didn't seem to believe the story wasn't fiction.

You do know how smart our Bethy Rose is, don't you? Well, she set out to prove them wrong. She played sleuth (I wonder where she got that notion?), followed Charlie in secret, learnin' more about him and his life. And, it turned out to be almost more than that child could handle. What did she discover?

I think I'll have to let her tell you all about that. But I do have some advice to all you folks out there. Do not look down your long noses at anyone in this world. You don't know what pain they may have in their lives. You have no idea what brought them to this particular spot in the world. You need to reach out a hand, become interested, help them up, care for them like they were as good as you are.

Because, you know what, they are one of God's children just the same as you are. He knows their story. He doesn't care what they may or may not have done to be in a certain position. He loves them anyway. And, you, with your judging notions are not loved anymore than the lowest creature on this earth.

End of advice. Bethy Rose will tell you the rest of this story when she is ready to share.  Have a good weekend and pray for everyone to have a good life.

Aunt Lutie

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