Wednesday, July 4, 2012


Aunt Lutie is buttin' in here today. I mean, since we don't take turns anymore it doesn't make any difference, now does it? I'm so excited! I just had to tell ya'll the good news.

You know, now and then, I get a vision. Now you stop that snortin', Mary Margaret. Just because I'm a spirit doesn't mean that I don't have dreams and see things, too. If them psychics on TV can do it, there's no way in God's Green Acre I am not going to have the same privilege. So hold up your horses, gal. This is my story.

Although I'm not ready to let go of my love ones permanently for an apartment in the blue hereafter, the Good Lord let's me visit behind the vail now and then. You might not want to share this news with everyone, or they just might walk on the other side of Main Street when they see you comin'. And, Mary Margaret, button your lip about your dear Aunt Lutie visitin' anywhere. It's bad for business.

Okay, Okay, I'll give my news. I'm not really sure where he is, up there or here on earth somewhere, but...I saw Jinks yesterday! Isn't that exciting? And he was doing some kind of work with cars--or was it chariots--see, I don't know if he was in Detroit or Dearborn, or working for our Holy Maker. Well, anyway, he had the biggest grin on his face as he worked. Not a word of complaint came out of hi mouth. That big grin on his face would have satisfied everyone--he's happy and safe and doing something he seems to love. Isn't that the best news?

Don't ask me all them questions, you hear? I can't answer them and I'm no Agatha Christie or Maisy whatever her name is. I'm no writer and no snoopy detective either. They're both always in someone's face wantin' information. So just take my word for it and let it be.

I know what I saw!  So there!

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