Friday, July 20, 2012


I just want you to know that I, Miz Barbara, have not been hiding out from the world. I have been digging at this book, line by line, attempting to make it something that all of you will be proud to read. That takes more time than you would ever believe--unless you've written and published a book of your own. Miz Gina has been more than patient with my changes/rewrites/booboos caught and not, and is working with me to get this thing ready. It's coming along and we hope to meet that release deadline of no later than August.

This is all and well but you should hear the characters in this book throw a hissy fit! They don't care what I am doing. All they want to do is to get their two-cents worth in on this blog and make sure you all don't forget them. I guess I can't complain about their logic. After all, these characters are the ones who make the book, don't you think? I once had a "kid" copyeditor tell me that I could not sell a story when it was character driven. My response was, "Is that great description of the mountain going to show you what is happening between the people in the village at it's base?" Probably not the best way to put it, but needless to say, I feel that characters are the drivers of my stories. I, and they, like it that way.

The whole country seems to be burning up this summer, either from forest fires or temperatures. It's really hot in some parts of the midwest and we will find it hard to continue to get that delicious sweet corn pretty soon. Those Piney Woods near Harts Corner are beginning to show their lack of water and folks just pray no one will do something foolish with a cigarette or a campfire. The Blue Moon is one of those Cool Spots, so folks tend to head there for lunch, make it their main meal so they don't have to fire up the stove at home. And stay so they don't have to use their own A/C.

I like easy food to fix that is cool to eat during days like this. I use my microwave a lot (Mama is probably not pleased with me at all; she swore those things would nuke the user). I'm going to share one of my favorite salads: Can even be used as a sweet end to a soup and salad meal.

Pineapple Jello Salad

2 c. (l large can) crushed pineapple                                   2 pkg. lime jello
   (juice and all)                                                                  2 c. grated cheese
1 scant c. sugar                                                                   1 pt. whipping cream, whipped
1 c. water

Heat pineapple, sugar, and water; do not boil. Dissolve in the jello; cool. Add cheese and when nearly set, fold in the whipped cream. Refrigerate until firm. Serves 9 to 12.

Stay cool, folks!

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