Monday, January 7, 2013

Miz Barbara's News

The author of "Aunt Lutie's Blue Moon Cafe" is here to announce (drum roll, please) that this marvelous book will be out this month! I'm going to throw a party at the equivalent of Aunt Lutie's Cafe when I have that first copy in my hand. But that's long after all the promotion has begun.

Do any of you non-writers understand how difficult it is for an independent press book to find the market that you and your awesome publisher know is out there? It is the hardest work that the author will ever do. You think writing a book is the hardest part, putting those well-described characters into the just-right scenes, and the rewrites, editing (did you know how much wasn't invented yet in 1966?), and more proofreading. That is not an easy task, you must know, but it is a lot of fun to get the story onto paper. To actually complete an entire book is a monumental task, one to be very proud of. But, again I will say, it is not the hardest part of this process. G

Getting your book into the hands of a whole lot of readers is mind-boggling.

Of course, when I first found Mockingbird Lane Press ( and they accepted my book for publication, I practically yelled out the news to anyone who would listen--friends, family, students, members of groups I belong too, even my neighbor who has supported my writing career by having me speak/book sign at every organization she belongs to. I also began to contact the news media. So much has changed in the area where I live that I wasn't sure how much of this source was viable any longer. It turns out my local newspaper, now the only newspaper in this large California county, is no longer accepting book reviews from authors. And, their reviewer/reporters are assigned by management what books they will review--only from the Best Seller list. Does that mean, I give up on the San Diego Union Tribune with it's multi-millionaires owner who has gobbled up all the newspapers in the area? No--they will get a press release anyway. But I'm also digging for other newspapers that will be receptive.

My address labels for postcards/press releases/letters are ready. The postcards, bookmarks (you have to purchase a book to get one!), and business cards are ordered. As soon as I get a definite release date and know orders can be taken, I will hit the road, talking circuit, phones to contacts, and go online to all of those forums, social media outlets, newsletters, etc. where I will offer a shot review of this book with ordering information--and, yes, a lot of those mean I have to put out money to advertise. Yes, dear writer, you must spend money to get people to read your book!

Does it sound daunting? Is it going to add up to a lot of hours spent away from writing that next book in order to promote this one? Yes and yes. Will it be worth it? Absolutely. Some people who never heard of me will purchase and read this book. Will I make money? Surprisingly but realistically, I am not expecting to make any money from the sale of this book. Not for my personal use anyway. If I pay for those postcards/bookmarks/business cards and the advertising I will feel like I've made a fortune.

When you get a chance, buy one of my books, please. Or you might see me standing on a street corner somewhere with the cover hanging around my neck and a nearby car trunk filled with my intriguing tale of murder in a small town.

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