Monday, December 31, 2012


We're having a great party tonight at the Blue Moon. It's sort of a Thank You all for a great year for the business and a celebration for putting the rough times in Harts Corner behind us. I hope folks realize that an Open House means they're supposed to greet, eat and leave. Miguel tells me I'm dreaming because people who can manage to stay awake will be here until midnight to toast the New Year in. And, of course, Miguel reminded me I have no liquor license and he doesn't want to have to arrest people on New Year's Eve anyway, so the toast will be with Cranberry-Apple sparkling cider.

We all had a mighty fine Christmas. Bethy Rose was so surprised when she saw the sleek, sliver bike Santa left her. She knew where it really came from as she whispered in my ear that Miguel had good taste in bicycles. She loved the books and clothes, too, but I'm was wondering how much longer I'll be able to pick out her clothes.

Miguel was very pleased with her gift to us; I wasn't so sure. With Leonard Skaggs help she made a welcome sign to place near the front door. One of those dated ones, like you see on old homes family members have lived in for generations. This one said: Home of the Kinkaids, Miguel, MM and Bethy Rose, 1966. I know she wants us to be a family real bad but this sign doesn't make it so. I just didn't have the heart to tell her this was adult business and she should butt out.

I've asked the folks here tonight to sign their names in this new notebook and write a little something about what they are thankful for, or what they are looking forward to, or what they wish for in this New Year. No, I'm not sneaking peeks at what they write. That would most likely put them off and they wouldn't write a word after their signed name.

But I will share their comments with you here--later. Right now, Leonard and the Piney Woods Boys are tuning up for my favorite song--Waltz Across Texas and my fella's headed my way with that special look in his eyes. I'd much rather be in his arms than talk to you folks anymore.

And I'll share some recipes for tonight's food, too.

Goodnight, folks.

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