Thursday, December 13, 2012

Apologies from Mz. Barbara

I've been away from you so long that I feel I owe you a big-hair apology. It's not that I don't love chatting with all of you, letting my characters tell you all that is going on with them in Harts Corner. It's just that I have suffered a loss that no mother wants to ever face.

On October 6, after a two-year illness, my only son died at the age of 48. I spent a week with him before that and we made the best out of a bad situation; chuckling over his childhood photos, talking about his antics, about our lives together, and cementing the love we felt for each other. He insisted he didn't want me there when he died--and, knowing his dearest friends were there to care for him, be there for him right up until the end, I agreed to his final wish.

It has been a hard two months. There have been many times I've sunk to my knees in tears; other times I've smiled at the memories of him. I didn't think I could face the holidays but have managed to bake cookies and make candy and send off the usual Care Package I always sent to Eddie and his boss/housemate this time of year. I have long called David my second son and he has called me Mom. I slowly put up the tree and decorated the house. I just recently made calls to several neighbors and a few friends, asking them to attend a small Open House--trying to carry on the traditions Eddie had shared when at home and when visiting.

I've neglected Harts Corner but it's now time to get back in touch with those fine people who have been so comforting, have listened to my anguish, and have allowed me this time by waiting patiently for me to start listening to them again.

Thank you all for your understanding.

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