Sunday, December 23, 2012


I, Jewel Tate, am working my fingers to the bone these two days before Christmas in a last minute rush to complete two of the gifts I want to give on Christmas Day. What with it being such a busy season at the Blue Moon, attending school and church Christmas programs, and spending some good times with Harold, I've found it a hard push to get my handicrafts completed.

I got the idea for these projects from Bethy Rose when she showed an interest in the quilted pillow covers I was working on during breaks at the Cafe. She's such an excited soul when she sees or hears of something unique to do or learn about. So when she said she wanted to learn to do the tiny stitches required to quilt, I was more than happy to teach her. We began with learning to cut out the pieces to make a block and then I showed her how to stitch them together. Then she moved on to putting the batting in between the blocks and a backing. So, we began the first series of blocks quilted to backing.

Surprised that she didn't choose all pink fabric, I was ever more pleased when she chose the colors of nature: blues and greens and a touch of tan. But I guess I should have remembered that she's growing up a bit each time I turn around and being in a stable home has changed her in many ways. She's such a happy child now, not that mousy, whisperer who first made our acquaintance with a cookie baking fest one Valentine's Day.

Bethy Rose shows a gift for making those tiny stitches so, over the past few months, she's done a few more blocks. As I said, she made enough for a panel. For a surprise Christmas gift, I took those panels, sewed on a pocket at one narrow end, pushed a dowel through and added a woven hanger to make a wall hanging for her new room. I just wrapped it up last night with a note telling her we'd start on a quilt after the New Year.

The other project is a crib-size quilt make of fabric covered with panda bears. I thought Jeffrey would enjoy it for a few years--maybe even be like my Ernie was--carry that thing around until it was so ragged I had to replace it with a new one. It was Ernie's security blanket when his father went on one of his rampages. Since Jeffrey lost his father before he even knew him, I think maybe he needs a security blanket, too. It's almost completed to be wrapped and put under MM's tree where we're all going to meet on Christmas morning for brunch and present opening.

I've been working on my crocheting, too, but if MM doesn't accept Miguel's proposal (which I hope is going to come up this Christmas season), I'll have plenty of time to get the bedspread done. It's going to be a pretty thing--an ivory shade, king-size, and done in a shell and ladder pattern.

Ernie's and Kathy's kids only want toys but they get so much. I had Harold drive me into Crockett and went to one of those learning stores. There I purchased games and books that offer such interesting lessons that teach without kids really realizing it. I wish I was a kid again and got those kind of gifts.

Harold was harder to shop for. He lived on the streets a long time and doesn't have too many wants. I can't make what he wants with a piece of fabric or needles. Nor can I purchase it in a learning store, or any other kind of store for that matter. It's for sure though that I can make his Christmas dream come true--and maybe I just will. After all, he's waited some time now, he's more than proven he's a worthy man, and a woman could do much worse than having a Harold Coburn by her side.

The only problem is with me. I don't know if I want to give up the first freedom I've ever known.

Merry Christmas all!

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