Wednesday, December 19, 2012


As a long time resident of Harts Corner and the owner of the only cafe, I couldn't be more proud of my hometown. We've come through some hard times and we've come out even better on the other side. The town has managed to settle down and we are a community of happy folks--well, for the most part. This is the Christmas season so we won't talk about the lesser fine points.

I hope all of you have come to see the community tree, the colorful wreaths, and the sparkling lighted candy canes along Main Street, and strolled along for a close-up look at the lovely job our merchants have done with their windows. Carolers will stroll along our streets on Saturdays, one of the farmers has started a horse-drawn carriage opportunity which will run right up to Christmas Eve, and we are really excited about the business campaign that rings the bell to shop locally. Did you know you can buy most everything you need and want for a beautiful, great Holiday Season right here in Harts Corner? Get out there and look.

Did you see all the beautiful seasonal artwork on windows around town? It was all done by our newest resident, Megan Crandall. along with her baby son, Jeffrey, she's made a real impact on Harts Corner. She's a great mother, a wonderful caterer (she practically runs this new venture of mine) and, as we found out when she volunteered to paint the windows of the Blue Moon, an outstanding artist.

Mz Barbara has already put Megan in the new book she's beginning to work on. I hope she manages to bring this young woman's story to light as well as she did in "The Blue Moon Cafe." And we're going to see more of Aunt Lutie (ghost, spirit, haunt, whatever you wish to call her) and her appearance to me and several others; her wisdom and guidance will always be needed in this town. The book that's going on sale in January brought all of us into the spotlight (some of the folks kind of wished she hadn't been so honest when telling the story of that time in our town's history) and I think she got the town, warts and all, right as right could be.

Speaking of books, did you know if a book is published in December that on January 1 of the New Year, it is considered an old book? I knew the shelf life of books is about two weeks if any author is lucky but learning that you're book is dead-on-arrival if published in December was a bit of a surprise. So Mz Barbara and Gina put too good brains together and decided not to kill the book.

"Aunt Lutie's Blue Moon Cafe" will be released in January 2013. Sorry you can't give it as a Christmas gift to all those hundreds of reader/relatives/friends (we all wish we could shower books on folks, don't we?) this year but it'll read just as good in January.

Believe me, the waiting will be worth it.  

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