Monday, December 17, 2012


You know me, folks, I'm Pastor Micah. I'm no TV evangelist, nor a blogging one either. MM got me involved in this thing, along with that author lady, Mz Barbara. And they both think I have a place here because the residents of Harts Corner are precious souls. If there is one of them who doesn't know about our little church then my having a message of some sort on this Internet thing is worth it.

We've set up our creche (manager to many of you) scene today in front of the church. The figurine's are life-sized, very impressive even from the street out front. If you walk up to the scene and don't know much about the Holy season, you'll find the Biblical verses telling the story posted nearby. Oh, and by the way, our church doors are open daily from sunrise to sunset so if you need come time alone with your thoughts and prayers, come right on in.

Speaking of the figurine's, take a close look at Baby Jesus while you're there. He's got a few scratches here and there. That's because he's been pulled out of his cozy hay bed more than once. One year some rowdy teenagers from over Crockett way thought it would be real fun to steal him and dump the precious little lamb in a hog trough; it took a brave soul and a lot of soap and water to clean Jesus up, leaving a few marks from the heist.

Once Jesus disappeared and a church family sheepishly appeared with the figure. Their six-year old son confessed by explaining he wanted to keep Baby Jesus dry on an unusually wet day. When about three years old one of Lester and Cora Skaggs grandaugthter's brought the baby quilt Cora had made for her when she was born, and wrapped Baby Jesus in it--"to keep the baby warm."

Tonight we'll turn on the spotlight set out to show our creche thought the Christmas season. When you folks head to town for the tree lighting, or to view it later, don't forget to stop by First Baptist and enjoy the scene the Three Magi found when they followed the star.

I'll be the welcome-committee, the guy bundled up in a heavy coat with red wool cap and scarf, and snow boots with flashing lights on the soles (my grandchildren's gift last year). And, please, if my back is turned while greeting people don't run away with Baby Jesus.

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