Saturday, June 23, 2012


I am in such a flitter tonight. I have to work in our kitchen while Miguel and Bethy Rose enjoy a new DVD just down the hall. Yes, I know it's Saturday night and I have a rule about not working after lunch until Monday morning. I realize I need the break and Bethy Rose needs to know that there are some priorities that do include her. But this is something special.

It is not about the money. How dare you think I would take money to cater this special celebration after church tomorrow? Do you think I'd go over to the Fellowship Hall and spend three hours decorating and setting up the food table instead of going swimming with Bethy Rose if this was only about money?  Don't you folks know me better than that?

It's Cora and Leonard Skagg's fortieth anniversary and Pastor Micah suggested the women of the church might like to plan "a little something for them." The church would make the punch and coffee, provide all the serving sets needed, and maybe we could "put out a list for donations of desserts." I quickly said I'd provide the desserts and would be happy to decorate, set up, and coordinate the ladies who would pour drinks and dish up the food. I had no trouble finding volunteers, of course, but it was with the timing that it all began to fall apart. Pastor Micah asked me yesterday to do this.

This whole darned week went berserk! I suddenly had three other catering jobs. Jewel had a twenty-four hour bug and missed a day; Harold might as well have taken to bed with her. I swear, those two better hurry up and get married and get tired of each other, or I'm going to be forced to look for new employees. Of course, I don't mean that--but sometimes I wish I wasn't the boss and could just let them know what it is like keeping a cafe running somewhat well. What it all meant I have been running ragged every night and day all week. I've missed Bethy Rose's softball game, and had to skip a romantic dinner with Miguel--away from Harts Corner. I am not in the best of moods.

And here I am trying to concoct desserts at nine at night--and I'm dead on my feet.So help me if there was a bakery within twenty miles of here, I'd drive over there and buy them out.

As it is, I have three pecan pies pulled out of the cafe freezer, and one chocolate sheet cake I have now iced with German chocolate frosting. Bethy Rose helped me bake her favorite sugar cookies. So far, a nice assortment of sweets. But I need to do something that really says "wedding" and to me that means a tiered cake. How in the world can I do something like that at the midnight hour so to speak?

Strong arms embraced me from behind. "Bethy Rose is brushing her teeth, getting ready for bed. When you go up to kiss her goodnight, I'll go to the cafe and get the tiered pans. You can have the ingredients all mixed up by the time I find them and get back. The cakes will come out in thirty minutes. You will cool them overnight, get up a little early, pack them up, set up the cake in the Fellowship Hall and decorate the most beautiful wedding cake you've ever presented."

I leaned back and looked at this man who had entered my life when I thought I needed no one in it. Miguel never ceased to amaze me. And he was absolutely right--I can do this. I let the stress of the entire week tell me it was impossible. Miguel's reassured me that I am the one in charge here and, tired or not, I can do this for my very favorite couple in the world.

I kissed him quickly. "You are a genius, Sheriff Kinkaid. Do you wanta make a date for the entire weekend next week--go to Galveston and walk the beach? Hide out in a hotel room? Eat someone else's cooking? I promise I won't cancel this time."

"That's a promise I will definitely make you keep. I'll be back ASAP."

How could I have been so lucky to find him?

Ouch! Darn it, Aunt Lutie, I'm too old to be swatted on the behind. Okay, okay, you and Bess conjured him up. You always get your way, don't you? I;'m too tired and busy to fight with you tonight. Goodnight, Aunt Lutie."

1 comment:

  1. Is this thing working. Ya'll sure are quiet out there.

    Miz Barbara is wonderin' if she's offended someone. Or maybe Aunt Lutie is foolin' around with this Blogger site. If you are, Aunt Lutie, go away and haunt someone else!
